Minyak oh Minyak!
Friday, July 16, 2010 by Fiza_Pja
Friday, July 16, 2010 by Fiza_Pja
Posted in: My life | | |
deena mesej suruh isi minyak.. mase tu dah kat kol 9... mule2 kite nak pegi.. tp x jadi.. sbb dah mlm..
esoknye bangun pkl 4.. pkl 6.30 kuar.. check in attendance.. kuar isi minyak.. selalunnye 50 ringgit bole full.. ni x full pon..
tp.. 30liter x 5sen.. kene spend about RM1.50.. ok la.. not that bad.. tp kalau naik 20sen ke atas.. melampau la..
and yes.. politic people are stupid.. maybe there's minor who aren't that stupid.. but.. i won't be calling them one only if they can make good changes..
and to all politic people.. stop discussing stupid things inside dewan rakyat.. can't u all find other more important things to talk about??!! something about how to generate more income without burden the people.. things to be discussed in parlimen/ dewan etc. must relate to "from the people to the people of the people" things...
tatau apa yg mereka2 pikir.
tp mmg tak logik sungguh petrol naik 10sen seliter, telur goreng naik 80sen! politician patutnya bincang benda2 seperti bagaimana menangani inflasi selepas kenaikan harga minyak atau bagaimana membendung peniaga menaikkan harga barang sesuka hati dgn alasan minyak naik, dan bnyk lagilah topik yg sesuai. bukannya mcm topik yg aku sebut kat atas tu atau pun sibuk gaduh komen muka YB ni mcm itu, muka YB tu mcm sekian2. aku paling tak puas hati bab tu.. huhu sungguh emo!
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deena mesej suruh isi minyak.. mase tu dah kat kol 9... mule2 kite nak pegi.. tp x jadi.. sbb dah mlm..
esoknye bangun pkl 4.. pkl 6.30 kuar.. check in attendance.. kuar isi minyak.. selalunnye 50 ringgit bole full.. ni x full pon..
tp.. 30liter x 5sen.. kene spend about RM1.50.. ok la.. not that bad.. tp kalau naik 20sen ke atas.. melampau la..
and yes.. politic people are stupid.. maybe there's minor who aren't that stupid.. but.. i won't be calling them one only if they can make good changes..
and to all politic people.. stop discussing stupid things inside dewan rakyat.. can't u all find other more important things to talk about??!! something about how to generate more income without burden the people.. things to be discussed in parlimen/ dewan etc. must relate to "from the people to the people of the people" things...
tatau apa yg mereka2 pikir.
tp mmg tak logik sungguh petrol naik 10sen seliter, telur goreng naik 80sen! politician patutnya bincang benda2 seperti bagaimana menangani inflasi selepas kenaikan harga minyak atau bagaimana membendung peniaga menaikkan harga barang sesuka hati dgn alasan minyak naik, dan bnyk lagilah topik yg sesuai. bukannya mcm topik yg aku sebut kat atas tu atau pun sibuk gaduh komen muka YB ni mcm itu, muka YB tu mcm sekian2. aku paling tak puas hati bab tu.. huhu sungguh emo!